Do you ever feel like you work out hard but do not get better? You are always there, you are always rolling, you are always drilling—but the same people are still beating you up? I know because I have been there.
That is not always how Jiu-Jitsu works. Even though you work hard and sweat a lot, you still feel like you are stuck. It is annoying, and if you are not careful, it can make you doubt yourself.
Not anymore! Understanding the following five reasons why you are not making progress can boost your game and life a lot better. Let us start!
1. Progress Isn’t Always Obvious!
The first thing to understand is that Jiu-Jitsu progress doesn’t happen in a straight line. It’s not like lifting weights, where you can see yourself getting stronger every few weeks.
BJJ is a subtle art; occasionally, you may not even realize that you are enhancing your skills until you execute a move that you have never executed before.
That’s because learning in Jiu-Jitsu happens in the background. Your brain is absorbing techniques even when you don’t realize it. Your body is adapting, getting more efficient, making tiny adjustments.
Just because you’re not submitting every opponent doesn’t mean you’re not improving.